Gardening in May

What to plant in May?

Oh no! May Day has come and gone and you haven’t gotten any seeds in the ground! All your friends have been tending their plots since late March, but you’ve been too busy on Netflix to even notice. Well, have no fear! There is still plenty of time to have a bountiful, productive, and rewarding vegetable garden. But you should get started now.

So what can we plant in May? There are plenty of vegetables that will benefit from the warmer soil temperatures. Warmer ground temperatures allow for a fast germination, so the stables of summertime kitchens are great choices. Plant some melons, cucumbers, and squash.

In May there is basically no worry about frosts, so you can plant the more delicate herbs that love the heat. Great ones to start with are sage, basil, oregano and dill. Obviously you can always transplant herbs you’ve purchased, but in May, these are still great to start from seed.

Another excellent type of plant to start in May are beans. Beans come to fruit rather quickly, so with some strategic sowing, you can have fresh beans all summer. Get a few different varieties and sow them continually for 7 to 10 days. This will ensure a regular flow of bean crops, rather than one huge harvest. Having all your plants, especially if it’s one type, come to harvest at the same time is a great way to waste a lot of produce.

And of course, it is never too late for tomatoes. Tomatoes are probably the most popular garden plant for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, they are delicious! The warmer weather will help your tomatoes grow nice and plump, so think about starting with transplants.

And even beyond May, there are lots of plants that do well getting started later in the summer. For instance, you can plant carrots in June or even mid-July for a wonderful fall harvest. Broccoli planted midsummer can yield all the way into November! Spinach, radishes, peas — all of these can begin in the summer.

So cut yourself some slack. Maybe you were a bit lazy in the early spring, but there are still plenty of ways to ensure a kitchen full of homegrown goodness.

The Vitex Agnus-Castus Shoal Creek Tree: Better Known as the “Chaste Tree”

Vitex Agnus-Castus Shoal Creek Tree Southeastern Growers

With the ability to become a staple in any garden, the Vitex Agnus-Castus Shoal Creek Tree, also known as the “Chaste Tree”, is one of nature’s most beautiful flowering trees.

The Vitex blooms blue flowers throughout the majority of the year, sometimes even budding pink, purple, and white flowers. The Shoal Creek, the most popular variety of its genus, has blue-violet flowers that are largely winter-hardy. Therefore even when the weather drops in some regions – specifically in the Southern United States – the tree will remain lush and beautiful throughout the winter months.

The “Chaste Tree” is a multi-stemmed deciduous shrub that grows upright. It measures up to 10-15 feet tall, and spreads at around the same width at 10-15 feet. The tree is largely used as an ornamental tree, although it has some shading and medicinal qualities as well. Within your yard, it works best as stand alone specimen, much like a centerpiece of your lawn. According to Southern Living, Vitex trees are also attractive in a row along a property lines or driveway.

The Chaste Tree is a native of southern Europe and central Asia, thriving best in the Mediterranean-temperate climate. It prefers prolonged periods of sunlight while well-drained, needing medium amounts of moisture. Once established the tree is very drought-tolerant, however it will grow faster with supplemental summer water. Unfortunately, It is not entirely low maintenance, but will require regular pruning to produce an attractive multi-trunked tree. Because it grows quicker than most trees, feel free to prune as much as you see fit.

The fruit and seed of the Vitex  are often used to make medicine for a variety of purposes. To this day, the chemicals produced by the tree are used to treat ailments affecting women. For example, medicines that treat menstrual irregularities, Premenstrual Syndrome, and menopause contain chemicals from this tree. Vitex Agnus-Castus also contains chemicals used to prevent miscarriages, and treat women throughout their pregnancies. In general, the Chasteberry was used to regulate and maintain the female reproductive system during periods of irregularities.

Herbs from this tree also have another historical relevance. According to Herb Wisdom, the fruit of the “Chaste Tree”, was used to control and suppress sexual desires. In Roman times, the herb was used by wives of soldiers to suppress such desires while their husbands were abroad at war. During the medieval ages, monks often used it as a food spice at monasteries for similar purposes, hence the Chasteberry’s other nickname, “Monk’s Pepper.”

If you liked this post and would like to read more on our selection of trees and shrubs, check out our twitter @SEGrowers for more. Thanks for reading !

Gardening Essentials: Gardening Tools and Accessories for Comfortable Gardening

Home gardening and farming isn’t about creating the perfect garden, it’s also about enjoyment and relaxation. In order to enjoy your gardening and lawn maintenance undertakings, you need to be as comfortable as possible in the tasks you perform. If you’re forced into awkward, aching positions, then you will surely not enjoy the activity. Tools and supplies can also be quite heavy when carrying out larger projects. Heavy lifting, and extraneous work can lead to injury if not careful. In these cases, certain tools and accessories are available to make your gardening experience as smooth as possible. Below is a list of some necessary items to help protect and comfort you throughout your gardening experience.

Hat and Sunblock

Although this may seem like a minute detail, hats will protect your face from sunburns and skin damage. The American Skin Cancer Foundation suggests wearing a hat and sunblock every time exposed to sunlight for prolonged periods of time. Make sure to find a hat with proper coverage, that covers the entire head instead of just a portion of it. On blazing hot days when the sun is most potent, a hat will also protect your head from heating up, which can increase the risk of heat stroke.

Kneeling Pad

A kneeling pad will protect your knees after hours of gardening. If you are tending to a smaller gardening bed, a kneeling pad is a perfect way of providing comfort during a sometimes back-breaking task. Some kneeling pads can even convert into garden chairs, in case you choose to prune your plants without putting too much stress on your back.


Gardening gloves exist to protect a gardener’s hands from gardening hazards. If you’re working with tools, gardening gloves can prevent blisters and calluses from forming. Of course, gloves will also protect gardeners dealing with thorny rose bushes and plants.


Wheelbarrows will help you move soil and heavier object around your yard without too much hassle. If you’ve ever pot planted, you know how difficult moving filled pots can become. Wheelbarrows will help you avoid a great deal of trouble when undertaking larger projects.


Cloches are round or cylindrical clear instruments that protect and insulate young plants. According to Lee Reich of Gardening, gardeners and farmers often use cloches to extend vegetation as long as possible before farming season officially ends. They are either made of glass or clear plastic, allowing plants to absorb sunlight from within. The cloche also allows plants to retain humidity and moisture during warm summer days. This creates an optimal growing environment for your plant.
If you found this information useful and would like to learn more gardening and planting tips, check out our twitter @SEGrowers for more info. Thanks for reading !

Not Raving About Compost? Well, You Should Be

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By definition, composting is the use of decayed organic material as plant and tree fertilizer. It involves a recycling process where dead organic materials are turned into nutrient rich soil. Compost has the ability to make plants healthier, as well as the ability to increase their flowering and fruiting potential. Overall, using compost is a great organic alternative to using fertilizers that are sometimes laced in inorganic chemicals and growth hormones. Of course, composting stirs positive environmental habits, such as recycling and soil enrichment. It is also a wonderful way to introduce kids to the beauties of recycling, and the life cycle. Below is a more in-depth explanation on why you should use compost in your yard using articles from and

Using organic soils like compost means using soils your plants and garden will love. Why? To start, compost contains all the major plant nutrients, including potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. Additionally, it also contains billions of bacteria, fungi, and yeasts that help further break down organic matter, supplying a long-term, steady nutrient feed to plants and soils. Compost texture also greatly improves the tilth, or soil structure of gardens it is used in. Its loose fluffy-like texture allows for increased drainage of clay soils, as well as the binding of sandy soils. These reactions allow for enhanced moisture retention properties throughout your garden.

Composting is a cost efficient process, as well as an environmentally friendly one. In fact, according to, yard and food waste makeup about 30% of the waste stream. As an environmentally friendly practice, composting helps reduce some of the accumulated waste from landfills, waterways, and even water treatment facilities. In terms of cost efficiency, composting is also a very effective practice. For someone who avidly tends to their garden, composting replaces expensive soil conditioners and fertilizers. Instead you now have large, fresh piles of nutrient rich soil ready to fertilize your yard for practically free!

Composting is not a difficult process either.  When thought of in a simpler sense, composting is just glamorized, useful rotting of waste. In fact, by just piling your kitchen scraps, cut grass, and autumn leaves into a giant pile, you can have a healthy amount of compost in your backyard in just one year’s time. That’s because composting is a natural process. Controlled composting involves speeding the natural process. This involves moistening, turning, and adding to the mixed properties from time to time. Adding worms to your compost pile/bin is probably the most intricate part of your composting process. Worms and worm castings add extra soil nutrients into your soil.

If you liked this post, consider taking a gander at the rest of our gardening blog. If you’re interested in our services, check out our main site for more. Thanks for reading !

Create a Better Garden with these Expert Tips for Beginners

flower garden southeastern growers

Considering gardening as a hobby? Gardening can be an absolutely wonderful way of relieving stress during a busy work-filled week. It is also a great way to exercise your creativity and imagination. The creativity involved in building your own garden involves coordinating different colors, textures, and sizes of plants. Most importantly, it involves a great deal of skill and patience.

While creativity may inspire beauty in a garden, nothing will come to fruition without a green thumb, or at least, some semblance of skill in the garden. Therefore, it is important to learn some gardening tips before you put your hoe into the dirt. Using an article from Reader’s Digest, here are a few expert tips on gardening for beginners and future gardening enthusiasts.

First off, you want to build a gardener’s portfolio. Many gardeners spend hours collecting data on model gardens in magazines and tv shows. This portfolio  is meant for you to keep track of your own plants in your garden. These plants, along with their recommended treatments, would be cataloged into your book along with any other relevant information on each individual plant.

If you’re looking to add more pot plants into your garden, make sure you pack them lightly. Packing large pots with loads of soil is not only a waste of soil, but also a major future problem for your back. Heavy lifting over prolonged periods of time can develop into serious back strains that are difficult to recuperate from. Don’t hurt your back while working in your garden, instead pack your pots lightly with a small hack. Fill between one-third and one-half of your pot with foam packing nuts. Before adding potting soil, make sure to place a piece of landscape fabric inside the pot.

Restrict aggressive plants when planting them into your garden. Do your due diligence beforehand, and find out which of your plants is aggressive. Once you decide on planting them anyway, plant them into the ground inside of a plastic container. Cut the bottom of your container with a knife. This will force the plant’s roots to grow straight downward.

When planting roses, keep in mind that pruning is important. Your roses’ future health depends on proper pruning techniques. Pruning ensures that the center of the flower is open in order to retain as much sunshine as possible. This practice also keeps moisture out, preventing black spots and other abnormalities away from your roses.

If you liked some of these tips and tips and would like to read more on gardening, check out our blog for more information. If you’re interested in buying some plants, check out our main site. Thanks for reading!

Great Low-Maintenance Trees to Plant in Any Yard

To create a perfectly serene and harmonious landscape design in your own yard is not an easy task to accomplish. To ensure your property and garden withhold that sense of peace and tranquility, there are certain factors you should seriously take into consideration. You want to design a yard that is both aesthetically pleasing as well as practical. When selecting trees and shrubs to plant, upkeep and maintenance of are important factors to consider during the selection process. Certain plants and shrubbery upkeep costs can be surprisingly staggering, and the failure to maintain said upkeep may result in the death of your plants and the collapse of your garden. We compiled a list of some of the best low-maintenance trees to plant in your yard this coming spring.

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Crape Myrtle: Lagerstroemia

Crape Myrtles add excellent aesthetic value to any property. These trees are true survivors, capable of surviving harsh sunlight, and even drought. They grow to be anywhere between 15-25 feet high, and 6-15 feet wide. One of their wonderful defining characteristics is their ability to bloom in the summer months, long after blooming season finishes for most other trees. Crape Myrtles bloom in purples, reds, pinks, and whites, offering an extensive selection of color for the perfect garden.

southeastern growers

Japanese Maple: Acer Palmatum

A deciduous shrub, or a small tree, Japanese Maples only grow to a height of 15-30 feet, but spread to 20 feet at maturity.  Widely used in Japanese and East Asian gardens, this tree adds just the right amount of grace and elegance to any yard. It’s attractive deep reddish, purplish foliage make it a great ornamental tree, creating visual interest to the entirety of its surrounding landscape. It is likely to thrive in most temperatures, except in climates where sunlight is potent and lengthy. Moist soil is ideal for a Japanese Maple to grow full and strong and offers some drought resistant qualities.

southeastern growers

Northern Red Oak: Quercus Rubra

Northern Red Oaks are solid trees that can rise up to heights of 300 feet and taller. Unfortunately if you plant it, you might never get to see the Red Oak fully mature, as it takes about 150 years – or more than a few generations. These trees are most revered for their shading abilities, and their beautiful red hue in the autumn months. Northern Red Oaks require little maintenance, and are true survivors through the test of time. You might not live long enough to enjoy their complete maturity, but they add true value to any garden at whatever stage.

southeastern growers

Japanese Flowering Cherry (Blossom): Prunus x Yedoensis

Another popular tree in Japanese and East Asian Gardens, Japanese Flowering Cherry Trees have become famous all throughout the world for their characteristically beautiful white-pink flowers. These trees are not very tall, but they can spread from 25-40 feet fully mature. Although these trees prefer moist and well-draining soil, they can tolerate and endure in less than ideal climates and soil conditions. Bugs like caterpillars and aphids are their biggest enemies, so try to keep their surroundings as pest free as possible. Their delicate, beautiful, stunning colors add aesthetic appeal to any garden.

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Eastern Red Cedar: Juniperus Virginiana

These trees can easily grow to heights of 40-50 feet, spreading between 8-20 feet. Perhaps the most resilient and adaptable tree, they are able to grow in just about any soil-type. Gardens often use the Eastern Red Cedar as a windbreaker, or screen against sun and wind. These trees love sunlight, so be sure to plant them in an area where they can absorb a lot of rays. Birds love the Red Cedar’s berries and foliage, making them a great dwelling space for all types of Aves. This beautiful tree can fit well in just about any garden.

If you liked this post, check out our site for more information on the trees we offer and tips on landscaping! Thanks for reading!

Tips For Planting Trees And Shrubs

container tree southeastern growers

Most trees and shrubs these days are grown in containers. This method of cultivation ensures that the roots do not get disturbed by anything in the ground or surrounding area, especially when selected for the planting process. While transferring from pot to ground isn’t too disruptive to the tree or shrub, they still require some help during the process.

Here are some of our best tips:

  1. Prepare the area: Your potential tree or shrub has been grown in a specific growing environment, optimized by the grower for the best results. You want the soil where you’re going to plant to be appealing to the tree. Churn up the soil in the entire area where your plant will sit at least as deep as the rootball of your tree, even deeper. Consider mixing in some compost or planting mixture to the soil in preparation.
  2. Water thoroughly BEFORE planting: Planting a tree or shrub with dry roots will make it more difficult to contain water in the future. Therefore, make sure the plant is thoroughly watered before placing it in the ground. If it is especially dry, water it until it is fully saturated and then plant.
  3. Dig a big enough hole: Always dig a hole bigger than your rootball ensuring that you have prepared the soil around the hole enough and when you pack the soil down around the roots, it wont get squashed or cramped in any way.
  4. To loosen or not to loosen: When removing your plant, you might consider loosening its roots but make sure you really take a look at the condition: is there a lot of soil between roots? If so, you might want to leave the rootball as is, so you disturb the roots as little as possible. However, if you take the rootball out and there are roots coiled around at the bottom or simply around the rootball, you can carefully spread the roots apart a bit so the roots grow out and away.

Planting Bulbs In Containers

growing plant southeastern growers

Container gardening can start with transferring your favorite plants into your choice of pot or container and maintaining it as necessary. OR, you can grow a plant by cultivating a bulb, growing your own flower, herb, fern, etc. from bulb to bloom – start to finish!

When considering planting bulbs, there are a few things to keep in mind: when, where, and how to plant the bulbs…


Since you are planting indoors and in a container, you have ultimate flexibility when it comes to when you can plant and grow. Usually, when planting bulbs outdoors, you should be considering when those plants will be blooming. You do not have this concern with indoor growing, however, some bulbs do require chilling before planting in order to properly sprout and grow. Make sure you find out the necessary course of action with whatever bulb you plan on growing indoors.


While planting bulbs in containers adds convenience to your gardening, there are still some stipulations you must adhere to. Some bulbs thrive in warm, sunny areas with great drainage; other bulbs may require cooler, more moist soil. So, while you can basically plant any time of the year with indoor container gardening, it is recommended to provide your plants with their ideal growing environment.


The majority of bulbs grow perfectly in containers, but there are some things you should keep in mind when cultivating your indoor garden.

  • Plant the bulbs deep enough (three times the bulb’s size) and one bulb (width) apart
  • Once your plant has grown, water it regularly (or as directed). Once the plant begins to wilt and enter dormant season, you can decrease watering (not entirely), but not enough to let it dry out completely.
  • Feed your bulbs with a liquid tomato feed (high-potassium) to ensure good blooms year after year, season after season.

Pot Plant Containers: An Introduction

plant pots southeastern growers

So you’ve decided to plant your garden in pots. But, you go to buy them and there are so many different kinds to choose from! How do you decide?

Here is a breakdown of what types of planting pots are out there and which ones work best for what.

Light Colored Plastic Pots: cheap, heat up and cool down quickly, often many drainage holes, easy to add holes in, come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, keep moisture inside

Black Plastic Pots: heat up very quickly, good for plants in the shade

White Polystyrene Boxes: amazing insulation, very cheap, readily available, deep for root growth, lightweight, durable, easy to clean

Terracotta, ceramic, and concrete: visually appealing, needs to be modified for better drainage, retains heat

Stone Containers: very attractive, sturdy, retains heat, environmentally friendly

Self-Watering Pots: great for hanging plants that dry out quickly, lightweight, time-saving, great for busy people

Wooden Boxes: light to mid weight, have a lot of character, functional, customizable, great insulation

Metal Containers: decorative, durable, not great for insulation, often used to hide other less-attractive pots.

Grow Bags: new to the market, handles make them easy to move, UV resistant, compact, great drainage

The Pros Of Container Gardening

container garden southeastern growers

Not sure that container gardening is the thing for you? Well, here are a few reasons why you should be planting your garden in containers!

  • Versatility: planting in containers or pots can allow you to plant on a patio, in a courtyard, inside, on a windowsill, on a balcony, even on the deck of a boat!
  • Weed-Free: while it’s still possible to get weeds in your potted plants, it’s very unlikely due to the low surface area.
  • No Heavy-Duty: due to the small amount of space, you do not need any large or complicated tools to tend your plants.
  • Mobile: since your plants are in a pot or container, you can easily move them around without having to uproot them!
  • Control: plants that grow quickly, like mint and bamboo, may not be the best to plant in the ground with other plants. In a pot, they stay by themselves and do not disturb the other foliage.
  • Healthy Plants: plants grown and maintained in post or containers are less likely to have diseases.
  • Easy Fertilizing: plants in containers are easily fertilized and maintained because the nutrients you put into their pots aren’t absorbed by the surrounding plants.
  • Theft Be Gone: planting in pots reduces the risk of animals nibbling at your garden.
  • Kitchen Convenience: growing herbs and veggies in a pot can aid in the convenience and safety of your edible plants.
  • Shielded Leisure: use potted plants on a windowsill or around a door to add a layer of privacy from the outdoors.
  • Indoor Oxygen-Boost: by keeping plants potted indoors, the indoor air quality is improved.
  • Ornamental: plants offer a nice alternative for decor around your home, both inside and out.
  • Longer Harvests: the warmer soil that is in pots (as opposed to the ground) may lead to earlier harvest time for some crops.